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I Want To Write A Book. I Just Don't Have The Time


Updated: Feb 25, 2021

“I want to write a book. I just don’t have the time.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this statement. With the look of defeat on their faces they explain where they are in their project. Some have journals, others have bits and pieces written on different sheets, others have convinced themselves it can’t be done. There are those who have the thought, the vision, the idea for a book and many have “their story” to tell. These hesitant writers have stopped at one of the walls writers face, time.

Finding the time to write alters ones schedule, if they have one set in stone. Nothing is set in stone. Schedules can be rearranged, delay, and cancelled. Not having time, simply means planning or setting aside the time to get whatever it is done. To become an author, one who writes to publish or present to others, you must have scheduled time for writing. The wall of time is one of the first walls that stagger the completion of a work for a writer.

“… Not having time, simply means planning or setting aside the time to get whatever it is done.”

That vision or dream to complete a writing, a book nagged at me over the years. I began writing on papers that I simply complied in a folder. Then I began writing poems, thoughts that crossed my mind any hour of the day. I found out quickly that if I didn’t write them down immediately, the thought would leave me with an empty page later. I began carrying a notepad, a simple way to catch the thoughts. Nothing that I believed was worth publishing but something that soothed the nagging need to put pen to pad. The wall of time wasn’t an excuse for me. My pad and the ability to pen the thoughts tore down the wall. There are many who use this method with recording devices, reciting the thought and later putting it on a page.

My thoughts grew over the years and I used the same methods to pen a few children stories. I chose short stories never believing I could write much more or carry a story over more than ten to fifteen pages. A new wall hit me; the need for an illustrator. So again my writing, though complete, would not be published. As a novice I was pleased just to complete the thought. If this type of writing gives the creator satisfaction, the wall of time will never be a factor. However, to be a published author, to have others read and share your work, time is crucial.

“….something that soothed the nagging need to put pen to pad. The wall of time wasn’t an excuse for me. My pad and the ability to pen the thoughts tore down the wall. “

So you want to write a book? You find the time when your creative juices flow. A time when you can take your notes, your journal, your recorded thoughts and put them together for others to read. The idea of being tucked away until the work is done is not realistic to the “new” author. Most still have a full-time job and other obligations to handle. Writing is a past time, a release of anxieties, a peaceful escape. To be published, it will take time and the more you complete and publish, the more time it will require.

Where do I start? Setting aside a time. A time when you are settled. Your daily duties are handled and you have time for trivial things. Television, talking on the phone, surfing the web will have to fall behind your time to write. Two hours a day; in a month you would have put in sixty hours of writing, or more. How much would you accomplish in a month? Could you write a chapter a week? If so four chapters a month? You have to devote the time to accomplish the goal.

How do I keep my schedule? There will be days when you fall short of your hours. However, there will be days that you have a longer period to write. Take advantage of the time you have. As a writer you will need to develop a resource library, not all of us are English professors. Learn the rules of grammar, editing, building characters, story development. Yes you have your thoughts, your story, but if it is to sell, it must meet the standards, and capture an audience… need to study the skill. It will be okay for your family and friends but after that the world is your audience and they won’t hesitate to critique poor grammar usage.

Learning the business will come into play and your two hours will soon become four or more. You will find yourself interested in how others have situated themselves. How do they juggle work, family and writing when there’s so much to learn? Networking will become a necessity. Yes, more time needed. If you want to publish your work, yes, more time. So you see the wall of time will always be a part of your journey. That is why it is imperative that you learn to sacrifice the trivial matters. Schedule yourself with limits. Your family and friends, those who support you will begin to understand as they see your commitment and dedication. Chip away and the wall of time and get it done.

“I want to write a book. I just don’t have the time.” Others didn’t have the time but they made the time. When the desire and passion is to complete your writing, time will bring you great results. Use it wisely and you will accomplish your goals.

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