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Just Wait..

Who wants to wait? Wait for ...? Why wait?.... We often know what the result will be. Telling someone to wait brings an instant question to mind. Wait for what, when, and the all-mighty why?

Just wait... who or what are we waiting for, and why? Our future, our expectations for the best. Your blessing is on the way. Your best is yet to come... wait for it. There may be and will be changes needed; replacements to be made; new directions, a detour... but be sure within it all, there's a blessing on the way... Just wait.

Adjust yourself in the ready position for the remedy, the blessing, the resolve. There's a blessing in receiving the impossible, the never heard of, the never had, never will be... but in the hands of God... it's your blessing... Just wait.

Patience ain't never been needed more... Just wait.

There's a need for a new walk, new thoughts, a makeover, do better... start with me... Just wait

Just wait for the message, the change, the healing, the restoration, the lifting, the inspiration, the motivation, and the understanding. Better to best... Just wait.

There's a need for a new walk, new thoughts, a makeover, do better... it all starts within you...

Just wait on it... your blessing is on the way

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