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When You're A Swimmer...


A swimmer... learned at an early age without fear, how to just simply keep swimming. In pools, open waters, as a lifeguard, as a teacher, as one who challenged the who understood and learned how, when, and where to swim.

A swimmer... knew how to jump in, dive, go underwater and breathe, float, enjoyed the temperature. Challenged the distance, had equipment, studied the problems that may arise when swimming.

There were many that watched near and far, this swimmer was admired... but there were others who...

An onlooker shouted from the pier, "You're not really a swimmer you know, you splash, you have grown to believe your equipment and studies are better, but you're not a swimmer. I see you struggle from time to time, change your choice in where to swim, I see you question how to be better, I see you trying to do better... this is your best level, you just splash. Keep trying, but I'm telling you, you just won't ever be anything in the water but a splash."

The swimmer thought of the years, the challenges, the changes he made, the equipment he had bought, the lessons... he thought to himself, "Will I ever be more, is this what others see, why can't they see me as I believe... maybe I am not who, I believe I am."

Accepting the word of another, the belief of another, the vision of another... the swimmer jumped in the water and began to panic. Frantically, the swimmer kicked, splashed and recognize what was said..."You are a splasher.". The swimmer began to drown...

Someone yelled from the shore... "Swim, don't fight what surrounds you. You have dealt with the water. You have dealt with the challenges it can bring you. You have learned the lessons that made you a swimmer. Stop fighting with the words of another, fight with the belief you have in you. Don't change your methods, your actions, your ability to overcome water is not done with a fight... just swim.

The swimmer came out of the water confused after almost drowning. The swimmer asked, "Hey, do you swim?" The onlooker gave a sneering grin, "No, never, I don't care much for the water. Never tried, looks too hard.

The swimmer asked, "Do you believe you can? All it takes is the belief you can."


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